E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Page 36 of 55

Table 1 Road Segment Attributes Appendix A: Attribution Mapping editors can apply many attributes to features; however, a subset of attributes are required to meet the needs of the Community Map of Canada and for NG9-1-1 users. ese users include emergency service personnel, disaster and response man- agement teams, transportation (including inter-modal services such as rail and air transportation) and land use planning groups. In the following tables, we provide notation to highlight important requirements: • Attributes marked with a check mark in the NENA column are require- ments for NG9-1-1 as set by NENA. • ose marked with a red asterisk '*' denote a database domain table that contains related attribute values. All the tables representing these domains are found in Appendix B. • Finally for the sake of brevity, some attributes that repeat numerically are simply listed as (x5) to denote that attribute is repeated incremen- tally five times. A.1 Data Model Attributes is table includes attributes required for the Community Map of Canada and to also meet NENA's Standard for the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model. e data model attri- butes and its corresponding information are current at the time of this revision; however, it is strongly recommended that the latest version of the NENA data model be consulted. It is available at https://www.nena.org/page/standards. Attributes Description NENA Accuracy e positional accuracy in metres Acquisition Technique Method used to create, digitize or derive the feature's geometry Alias Full Name e street name alias (which it is also known by) Closing e period of time the road is closed Directional Prefix* A street direction descriptor that precedes the street name body Directional Suffix* A street direction descriptor that follows the street type Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 28

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