E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

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Figure 6 Simple Roundabout at an intersection Bob St. Dan St. Main Avenue University Ave. 3.1.1 Specialized Roads Some roads may lack an official street name or designation (e.g., these can include accesses to weigh scales, lookouts, rest areas or emergency U-turns), and others may simply be roads that access resources, communication installations, facilities, etc. Mapping editors should still represent all these roads as specialized ones. Fur- thermore, within enclosed traffic areas, authorities can restrict public access to some specialized roads (e.g., roads in high-density residential areas, airports, port authorities, cemeteries, schools, hospitals, shopping centres, campgrounds, private estates, industrial sites); however, since emergency vehicles may still access these types of roads, editors also need to represent them on a map. 3.1.2 Roundabouts Roundabouts (sometimes referred to as traffic circles) are circular, one-way road seg ments that connect two or more intersecting roads. ey are assigned the high- est road class (see Sections 3.3.2) according to their intersecting road segments. In some cases, the roundabout's road segments may have the same street name com- prising all the intersecting roads ( following travel direction); as Figure 6 illustrates, editors should simply omit the address range or street name (see Sections 3.3.1 and 3.3.6) attributes for roundabouts. In Figure 6, the intersection of four named roads is replaced with an unnamed roundabout. However, in some cases, as shown in Figure 7, the road segments defining the roundabout include a street name differ- ent from its intersecting road segments. us, editors should include the name for these roundabouts. In all cases, however, the number of lanes and direction should be included. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 5

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