E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

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Page 25 of 55

Figure 26 Cul-de-Sac with Even and Odd Address Range Assignment Figure 25 Address Range Assignment Split over a Median 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9 12 11 13 Digitization Digitization Digitization Digitization Digitization R:20–30 L:0–0 L:16–18 R:17–19 L:0–0 R:29–21 R:2–14 L:0–0 L:0–0 R:15–1 (i.e., L:16–18 and R:17–19) when there is no median dividing the centreline, but when the centreline is divided by a median the direction of digitization is drawn against the address range numbering. In Figure 25, the direction of digitization fol- lows the road's flow of traffic for one-way carriageways separated by medians; how- ever, the address range follows in the opposite order (i.e., from highest to lowest). For the side of a road segment with a median, editors should assign the address range as a range of zero (e.g., L:0–0, as shown in Figure 25). NENA's guidelines further reference a from-to order, where a road segment's begin- ning point is the from-node, and its end point is the to-node. e from-number equals the lowest address number along a road segment and the to-number equals the highest address number along that same segment. Generally, the from-number is the lowest number, and the to-number is the highest; however, this may reverse in cases where medians are involved causing the from-number to be the highest, similar to Figure 25. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 17

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