E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Winter or Ice Roads ese are only usable during winter when conditions allow pas- sage over lakes, rivers, and wetlands. As a separate cartographic representation, many of these roads are seasonal and may become ferry segments during summer. 3.3.3 Number of Lanes By following the definition for centrelines discussed in Section 3.2, mapping editors should record the number of lanes dedicated to traffic for a road segment. When the lane demarcation is not present, such as for loose surface roads, the number of lanes must be interpreted according to the road's actual width, which is typically 4.0 metres; however, some loose surface roads (i.e., gravel or dirt) can have lanes extending to 6.0 metres or 7.0 metres wide. 3.3.4 Surface Material For a road segment, the surface it represents is constructed from either hardened or loosened material. 3.3.5 Route Number Federal or provincial agencies provide the route numbers for highways or freeways under their jurisdiction, and these road classes may also have more than one route number assigned to them. Mapping editors should also assign route numbers to these road's respective service lanes and ramps. 3.3.6 Route Name Federal or provincial agencies provide route names—often for highways or freeways. Many of these roads can also have multiple names, and editors should include all official route names (such as scenic names or those in different languages). Across some regions in Canada, some freeways or highways are assigned only a route name as their only source of identification. Mapping editors should also assign the route names to the service lanes and ramps of these roads. 3.3.7 Exit Number Provincial agencies provide the exit numbers for ramps that connect to highways or freeways. Exit numbers typically refer to the number of kilometres from a geographic location or from either a provincial or national border. In some cases, however, exit numbers may be assigned sequentially instead. Mapping editors should follow the guidelines in Section 3.2.4 regarding ramp naming conventions. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 21

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