E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Figure 1 Road Segment Intersections Road Segments Road segment end points Bob St. Main Avenue Dan St. Completeness All required features (i.e., geometry) and their attributes must be acquired and maintained. Timeliness Regular updates should quickly inform when new (or modified) road data is available. Data Integrity Quality control methods should be performed initially on existing road data and subsequently on new (or modified) data. Positional Accuracy e positional accuracy of a feature (2.0 metres or better) is the difference between its positional reality and its geospatial repre- sentation on a map. Attribute Accuracy Features and their attributes must fully comply to field name, length and data type according to the NG9-1-1 data schema. Topological Accuracy A feature's end point must share the same coordinate values as a corresponding, matching topological feature. Mapping editors must repair any topological errors such as gaps, loop-backs, over- laps and overshoots. Road Edge Matching Adjacent communities must reconcile road segment endpoints at their mutual municipal boundary. For NG9-1-1, this is required between communities and for all emergency service boundaries. 3 Road Features Road features capture linear, constructed structures that are typically designed for the movement of vehicles. Mapping editors represent the centrelines of these Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 2

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