E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Table 2 Additional NG9-1-1 Attributes A.2 Additional Attributes Table 2 lists additional attributes and descriptions for the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model. e entire scope of these attributes goes beyond the scope of this document, and this list is regularly updated by NENA. Refer to https://www.nena.org/ for the latest GIS data model and for further explanatory definitions of these attributes. Attributes Description Additional Code Left e Additional Code on the road segment's left side Additional Code Right e Additional Code on the road segment's right side Country Left e name of the Country on the left side of the road segment relative to the From Node Country Right e name of the Country on the right side of the road segment relative to the From Node County or Equivalent Left (A2) e name of the county, region or municipalité régio- nale de comté (MRC) on the segment's left County or Equivalent Right (A2) e name of the county, region or MRC on the seg- ment's right Discrepancy Agency ID e receiving agency of a discrepancy report that takes responsibility to ensure it is resovled Effective Date e scheduled date and time field that the record takes effect ESN Left e Emergency Service Number (ESN) is on the left side of the road ESN Right e Emergency Service Number (ESN) is on the right side of the road Expiration Date e date and time field when the recorded information is no longer valid and cannot be used anymore Incorporated Municipality Left (A3) e incorporated community on the left side of the road segment relative to the segment's From Node Incorporated Municipality Right (A3) e incorporated community on the right side of the road segment relative to the segment's From Node Left Address Number Prefix A preceding number that is an extension of the Address Number (i.e., a unit number) of an address MSAG Community Name Left e MSAG Community Name on the left side of the road segment relative to the segment's From Node MSAG Community Name Right e MSAG Community Name on the right side of the road segment relative to the From Node Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 32

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