E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Page 32 of 55

City of Calgary City of Calgary Figure 31 Permanently Blocked Passage Figure 32 Blocked Passage with Removable Barrier 200 Pinetwon Place Northeast 26 Avenue Northeast Permanent Barrier 50 Street Northwest Removable Barrier e removable obstacle in Figure 32, is placed across a road. Mapping editors should represent these types of barriers as road segments with conjoint end points. When necessary, these obstacles are removed to allow for access to the road by service vehicles or to control traffic flow. ese types of obstacles include gates, removable steel posts, wooden poles, etc. 5 Toll Point Features Toll point features represent the location of infrastructure (i.e., collection corridors, toll booths, cameras) used for collecting road tolls; some of the structures repre- senting these features are indicated in Figure 33. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 24

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