E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Street Name Pre Type Sep- arator St_PreSep String 20 Street Name Body St_Name String 254 Street Name Modifier Pre- fix St_PreMod String 15 Street Name Modifier Suf- fix St_PosMod String 15 Street Type Prefix St_PreTyp String 50 StreetName- PrePostType Street Type Suffix St_PosTyp String 50 StreetName- PrePostType Structure Name English Struc_Name_en String 100 Structure Name French Struc_Name_fr String 100 Structure Name Indige- nous Struc_Name_ indig String 100 Structure Name Indige- nous Syllabic Struc_Name_ indig_syl String 100 Structure Name Other Struc_Name_ other String 100 Structure Type Strct_Type SmallInteger 2 Structure- Type Surface Material Surface_Material SmallInteger 2 Surface_ Material Toll Point Type TollPtType SmallInteger 2 TollPoint- Type Unincorporated Commu- nity Right (A4) UnincCom_L String 100 Unincorporated Commu- nity Left (A4) UnincCom_R String 100 Validation Left Valid_L String 1 Validation Right Valid_R String 1 Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 47

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