E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Page 37 of 55

Exit Number e exit number assigned to an exit ramp from an freeway or highway Feature ID A unique identifier provided by the data contributor Full Street Name English e descriptor that has all the components of the street name Full Street Name French e descriptor that has all the components of the street name Full Street Name Indige- nous e descriptor that has all the components of the street name Full Street Name Indige- nous Syllabic e descriptor that has all the components of the street name Full Street Name Other e descriptor that has all the components of the street name Full Street Name From e full street name of the road segment intersecting ( join- ing) at the From node Full Street Name To e full street name of the road segment intersecting ( join- ing) at the To node Hazardous Goods Route A road which has been designated for hazardous goods movement Indigenous Language e indigenous language of the street name Jurisdiction e agency with the responsibility or authority to ensure maintenance occurs but is not necessarily the one who undertakes the maintenance directly Left Address Range Digitiz- ing Direction Flag* e direction of the left side road segment digitization rel- ative to the address range low to high numbering Left First House Number e first house number on the left side of the road Left Last House Number e last house number on the left side of the road Left Place Name e name of the municipality to the left of the road Left Street Name e full street name to the left of the road (Use only when the left street name is different from the right street name.) Maintained By e name of the agency that maintains the road Maximum Height e maximum allowable height of a vehicle Maximum Weight e maximum allowable weight of a vehicle Maximum Width e maximum allowable width of a vehicle Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 29

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