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Town of Cardston, Maxar Figure 30 Dam Road Structure Highway 505 from one expansion joint to the other (or from one parapet wall to the other when no expansion joints are apparent) that crosses the features entire expanse. For dams that support roads, mapping editors should represent these structures from the beginning to the end of their structure, as shown in Figure 30. Snow sheds are roofed structures that cover roads in mountainous areas to prevent snow slides from blocking the road. Editors should also represent these structures from the beginning to the end of their structure. 4 Blocked Passage Features When a road's owner (either the local or provincial authority) intentionally places a barrier across a road, it prevents (or controls) further vehicle access. ese barriers are either permanent or removable. Such blocked passages include concrete blocks, anchored concrete, or steel posts. In Figure 31, the permanently blocked passage has a barrier placed across its road where heavy equipment must demolish or remove it to allow further access. Where a permanently fixed blocked passage exists on a thoroughfare, mapping editors should represent the road as two distinct segments with non-coincident endpoints—showing a visible gap. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 23