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Viewing Related Records in a Map Viewer Table

Hey related records fans! A new enhancement added in the June 2024 release of ArcGIS Online has made viewing and interaction with related records associate with a feature layer even easier. This GeoSnap shows how you can view, edit, and add related records directly in the attribute table within Map Viewer. Learn more about this functionality in the documentation: View related records 0:00 – Intro  0:13 – Review the data relationship scenario 0:36 – Open the Map Viewer table of a hosted feature layer to view its associated related records 1:13 – Edit existing related records and add new related records from the Map Viewer tabler ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  About ArcGIS Online ► Product Page ► Blogs ► Esri Community ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  About GeoSnaps | Videos by Esri Canada  ► A collection of bite-sized technical videos about all things in the ArcGIS universe.   ► Have a suggestion for a GeoSnap?  Email us at  ► Be sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to stay up-to-date with the latest tutorials and technical inspiration:  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Want more from Esri Canada?  ► Sign up for our email and select ‘Getting Technical’ under Esri Canada Blog Digests to receive the latest in your inbox: To learn more, contact us: