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Season 4 | Episode 6: Management Perspectives: Proving the Value of GIS at TD

Season 4 | Episode 6 – Management Perspectives: Proving the Value of GIS at TD

In this episode of Geographical Thinking, Matthew Lewin, director of strategic advisory at Esri Canada, interviews TD’s associate VP of geospatial data and retail analytics, Annie Latremouille. TD’s geospatial program is on the rise, with GIS technology helping to strengthen the customer experience and drive better business outcomes. Their success comes from positioning the group as a Canadian centre of excellence for GIS, putting the right tools in the hands of colleagues who aren’t GIS users and—most importantly of all—constantly proving the business value, relevance and impact of GIS.


TD’s Head of Advanced Analytics on the Art of Curiosity 

Keeping geospatial innovation relevant: the resilient leader’s guide 

Talking geospatial to executives: strategies to connect and communicate 

How to communicate the business value of your tech innovation 

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