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ArcGIS Imagery Update for September

Vancouver area imagery published to ArcGIS Online

A small update to the World Imagery basemap occurred this week. Three communities in the Vancouver area of British Columbia have published their data . They include the District of North Vancouver (2009 imagery), Vancouver (2011) and Coquitlam (2012). All communities provided 10 cm resolution imagery, visible at 1:36,112 to 1:1,128.

Figure 1: 10 cm imagery from Vancouver

About the Author

Paul Heersink is a cartographer and Program Manager of Esri Canada’s Roads & Addresses Program: an initiative that is aiming to build a seamless topographic basemap using contributor data. He has over 25 years of cartographic experience, working in both the public and private sectors. Paul has always been interested in mapping and drew his own atlas at the age of 10. He took a detour in his career through the fields of psychology and social work before returning to cartography.

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