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Season 4 | Episode 15: The Cartographer’s Canvas

Get ready to dive into the vibrant world of mapmaking with Heather Smith on this episode of Geographical Thinking!

Heather discusses her cartographic wizardry, revealing how she mixes creativity with data to craft tutorials that'll have you mapping like a pro in no time. We'll explore everything from the fine art of balancing aesthetics with precision, to the crucial role of accessibility in the cartographic realm. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of cartography! 

Looking for resources on what we discussed in today’s podcast? Check them out below! 

Introduction to Cartography: This self-guided course is designed to help you get started with mapping. It's intended for students with no previous experience, but it progresses past the basics, so if you're already making maps, you'll find skills and ideas here to improve your work. You can complete this course with ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro or both. 

Quick Cartography: This YouTube playlist includes short videos with tips on how to improve your cartographic skills.  

Cartography MOOC: This MOOC (massive open online course) offered by Esri coaches you through hands-on exercises to improve your cartographic skills. Keep an eye out to see when registration opens for the next offering.  

Effects in Map Viewer: Pump up your cartography by using effects in the ArcGIS Online Map Viewer. This blog post walks through the various effects options and how you can use them to make your data pop. 

Color Vision Deficiency Simulator: This tool in ArcGIS Pro helps users test how their maps look to viewers with different colour vision deficiencies.


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