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Season 4 | Episode 12: From Expedition to Inspiration

Grab your toque and prepare for an icy voyage to the ends of the Earth! In this episode of Geographical Thinking, host Michelle Brake speaks to Anais Schaenzel, who recently embarked on a thrilling marine expedition to Antarctica and documented it all with GIS. 

Armed with her passion for exploration and GIS expertise, Anais provided near-real-time updates about her voyage, offering readers a rare glimpse into Antarctica's icy landscapes and breathtaking wildlife. Now that she’s back on solid ground, Anais is continuing her mission to educate and advocate for the protection of these ecologically significant environments. 

Looking for resources on what we discussed in today’s podcast? Check them out below!  

Voyage to Antarctica: The ArcGIS Experience Builder application developed by Anais to share trip progress, including a GPS tracking map, daily blog posts and a photo gallery. 

Eagle Technology: The distributor of Esri’s ArcGIS platform in New Zealand and the South Pacific, offering IT services and support like the Eagle Mobile Comms box used by Anais.

Heritage Expeditions: A tourism company offering expeditions throughout the South Pacific; also runs the True Young Explorer Scholarship program. 

IAATO Data & Statistics: The website of the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), which monitors and reports on tourism to Antarctica to help guests self-manage their activities on the continent.

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