Disable the default ArcGIS Enterprise login screen [SSO]
This video demonstrates the configuration steps in Part 4 of the "How partners can set up a single sign-on experience with ArcGIS: part 2" blog post on Esri Canada's Resource Hub. 1. Log into your ArcGIS Enterprise as an administrator. 2. Under the Organization tab, go to Members. Ensure that there is at least one member in the ArcGIS Enterprise organization with an Administrator role and that the user also has an existing account in Auth0. 3. Under the Organization tab, go to Settings and select Security. 4. Under Logins, disable the ArcGIS login. 5. Navigate to the URL provided in the linked blog post, log into the web application and then click on the Map tab to load the map. For more on how to implement single sign-on with ArcGIS apps, or for the URL provided in this step-by-step method, read our blog post: [LINK TO COME] EN: To learn more, contact us: https://esri.ca/contactus FR: Pour en savoir plus, contactez-nous : https://esri.ca/contacteznous