Register an Application with ArcGIS Enterprise [SSO]
This video demonstrates the configuration steps in Part 2 of the "How partners can set up a single sign-on experience with ArcGIS: part 2" blog post on Esri Canada's Resource Hub. 1. Log into your ArcGIS Enterprise organization as the user that will own the application. 2. Under the Content tab, click on New item. 3. In the New item dialogue box, select Application. 4. For Application type, select Web mapping, then set the URL to the URL shown in the linked blog post and click Next. 5. Provide a title, tags and summary for the App Registration, then click Save. 6. Once the item is created, click the Settings tab. 7. Under Web Mapping Application, click Register. 8. Set the Redirect URL to the URL shown in the linked blog post, then click Add. 9. Select Register. For more on how to implement single sign-on with ArcGIS apps, or for the URLs described in this step-by-step method, read our blog post: [LINK TO COME] EN: To learn more, contact us: FR: Pour en savoir plus, contactez-nous :