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News Roundup – July 2024

Where can accessible, authoritative spatial data for public health and healthcare analytics be found? What is the current state of GIS education in Canada, and where’s it going? Why is detailed address information so important for emergency response? Learn more in the News Roundup for July 2024.

Feature Stories

Map of the Month: Harvest Moon Trailway
The Harvest Moon Trailway sits on the former railbed known as the Dominion Atlantic Railway, first built in 1894. This was one of the earliest examples of rail tourism in Canada, carrying tens of thousands of tourists from the United States through the Land of Evangeline, a part of the landscape popularly captured in Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s epic poem Evangeline, A Tale of Acadie.

Geographical Thinking: Season 4 | Episode 14: The Geography of Learning
Dust off those textbooks and sharpen your pencils because we're diving deep into the world of GIS education on this episode of Geographical Thinking! Join host Michelle Brake and explore the ins and outs of post-secondary GIS education with our special guests, Jon Salter and Rahul Chandra.

Listen to the latest episode of Geographical Thinking here.

The Critical Role of Detailed Addresses in Emergency Responses
Enhancing emergency response times through comprehensive and updated mapping data is vital, as every second can be crucial during an emergency. Current mapping inadequacies, especially regarding private roads and complex property layouts, can significantly delay first responders. By addressing these challenges and exploring actionable solutions, we aim to improve mapping accuracy, facilitating quicker and more efficient emergency services.

Building a shared vision for your organization’s GIS strategy
The journey towards a successful GIS strategy begins with the cultivation of a shared vision statement. That vision statement needs to resonate across all levels of the organization, creating collective excitement for the possibilities ahead. Learn how to build a concise, inspiring and memorable geospatial vision statement in this latest blog post from Esri Canada’s manager of management consulting, Allen Williams.

Land stewardship in Indigenous communities: GIS for Anishinabek Nation
Stewards of the land unite with mapping technology in the Anishinabek Nation, which comprises 39 distinct member First Nations, spanning diverse landscapes across Ontario, Canada. At the core of this Nation lies a robust dedication to preserving cultural heritage, nurturing environmental stewardship and managing data effectively through geographic information system (GIS) solutions.

5 tips for managing content in ArcGIS Online
It’s June already! Have you finished your spring cleaning? Or even started it? It’s time to have a good look at your ArcGIS Online feature layers.

Turning hikers into eco-advocates using GIS mapping technology
The Sentier national au Québec (Québec National Trail) is over 1,500 km in length and crosses more than 100 protected areas in southern Québec. But not all of the trail is well protected. In recent years, non-profit Rando Québec has been building a proposal to create a protected area to 300m on either side of the trail (for a total buffer zone of 600m)—a proposal powered by geographic information system technology (GIS) from Esri. Discover how Rando Québec is using GIS to bring the story of the Sentier national to hiking lovers across the province.

App-ily ever after: the success of Saint-Hyacinthe’s Géoportail
Discover how a small yet dedicated geomatics team in Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, transformed their city's digital landscape with the launch of their innovative Géoportail hub.

Find health GIS open data easily with the new Esri Canada Health GIS Hub
Here at Esri Canada, we recognize the need for accessible, authoritative data essential for public health and healthcare analytics that seamlessly integrates with geographic information system (GIS) technology. Enter the Esri Canada Health GIS Hub, a health-focused GIS open data site, entirely connected and compatible with Esri technology. In this blog post, we delve into the features of our new health community hub and how you can benefit from its offerings in your daily work.

NG9-1-1 GIS Data Readiness Assessment… Just Get It Done!
Start your NG9-1-1 Readiness Assessment now! Ensure your GIS data meets public safety standards for accurate emergency call routing.

Esri News

Esri Releases New Edition of Top-Selling ArcGIS Pro Book
June 17, 2024

Esri Releases New Book for Readers with Little to No Experience With ArcGIS Online
June 17, 2024

Esri Technology Used By ALS Therapy Development Institute to Map Clinical Trials
June 21, 2024

Esri and ROK Technologies Strengthen Cloud Offerings to Customers with Platinum Partnership
June 26, 2024


ArcUser: Saving Imperiled Bird Habitat
The Salton Sea, located in the Imperial Valley of Southern California, is both an important wildlife area and an endangered ecosystem. The State of California has embarked on a decade-long program to save this area. The program’s progress is monitored using GIS.

Read the latest issue of ArcUser online.

ArcNews: Houston Examines Options for Low-Cost Housing Development with ArcGIS Urban
Houston, Texas is the United States’ fourth-most populous city, according to the 2020 census. It’s been an avid user of geospatial technology in the early 1990s. In fact, Houston’s Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) was one of the first departments at the city to implement it.

Read the latest issue of ArcNews online.

WhereNext Magazine: A Smarter Supply Chain Helps International Paper Track Sustainability Goals
One of the world’s largest packaging and pulp companies developed a new tool for supply chain visibility called ForSite®, a combination of satellite imagery, location-specific data and GIS technology.

Video: Anishinabek Nation: Advancing Indigenous land management with GIS
Meet Rhonda Gagnon, manager of lands and resources for the Anishinabek Nation. With Esri Canada's support, Rhonda enables 39 member First Nations across Ontario to use GIS for land stewardship and decision making.

Video: Why Use GIS for Community Safety 
Discover how Esri’s GIS technology helped this fire department reduce service calls. The Georgina Fire and Rescue Services Department (Georgina Fire) significantly reduced open-air burning incidents in a targeted area by using spatial analytics. They brought a community education program to this high-priority area, reducing the number of service calls. Now, Georgina Fire can run more efficiently.

About the Author

Dani Pacey is a Marketing Specialist for Esri Canada. She digitized her first map at the tender age of 10 and has been fascinated by the relationships between people and places ever since. An avid technical communicator with degrees in Science & Technology Studies from York University and History of Science & Technology from the University of King's College, Dani has always blended science, social science and the humanities and loves bringing them all together to tell great stories about human life.

Profile Photo of Dani Pacey