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The Smart Workplace

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The next generation office is a workplace that energizes employee performance.

Here, workers easily talk about new ideas and plan ways to implement them. In this smart environment, everything is designed to help workers do their best. The facility’s operating system intuitively responds to the needs of its inhabitants. Sensors and smart devices feed information about building conditions, traffic trends, entryways, energy use, and the like, to a geographic information system (GIS) to help automate maintenance alerts and improve site comfort. Additionally, this system powers a 3D digital scene of office spaces to allow users to visualize room configurations and asset information.

The next generation workforce uses smart devices to connect and communicate with colleagues.

Workplace apps encourage workers to meet face-to-face when they work on projects and plan strategies. Indoor cloud services provide facility information to employees. By subscribing to the indoor tracking service, they can see where team members are working and find nearby spaces to meet and exchange ideas.

Facilities use location intelligence to meet green building goals. Studies show that IoT controls can reduce energy consumption by 20-30%.

The next generation’s maps are intelligent.

They support logistic planning for moving entire departments to other floors or buildings, or analyzing workspace and work practices so managers can reorganize space to complement different work styles. Traditionally, facility managers have relied on computer-aided drawings, but these static illustrations are limited. They do not reflect real-world indoor spaces as they currently exist. A GIS drives the data behind workplace maps so that they are fresh and relevant to whoever uses them.

Is your building ready for the next generation?

Read our Smart Workplace e-book to get started.