E-books & White Papers

Transforming Public Safety - Next Generation 9-1-1 Solutions for Data Providers

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Implementing the new NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model brings with it specic requirements to ensure coverage, completeness, accuracy, and topological alignment within your organization and with neighbouring jurisdictions to resolve gaps, overlaps and other data quality discrepancies. Data accuracy is a crucial factor, with the goal of correcting data validation errors identied by the system within 72-hours. This turnaround time requires the review of current tools and practices, with a focus on continuous improvement, to support both high data quality and consistent results. Practices should be implemented to help improve data quality to reduce data discrepancies at the source, while supporting efcient resolution of discrepancies when they are discovered. Quality Controls and Data Currency Supporting the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model standards generally necessitates adopting a novel approach characterized by improved information management, services, and organizational practices. These aspects may operate beneath the "surface" and, therefore, are not immediately apparent, as they aren't explicitly outlined in the standards. However, they play a crucial role in formulating policies and practices essential for fostering a successful and enduring NG9-1-1 program, and by extension, an opportunity to improve other essential services dependent on addresses and road centerline information that could rely on a modern GIS program. Governance, Strategy, Policy and Practice The transition to NG9-1-1 is nothing short of a transformative change, and will require a greater level of governance, strategy, and technology, along with the skills, training, and capacity of staff to full new roles and responsibilities. Ensuring the success of NG9-1-1 relies on the ongoing collaboration of regulatory, standards and oversight bodies, NG9-1-1 network providers, contributors & aggregators, and data consumers. This collective effort is crucial for maintaining system integrity, ensuring data currency, and meeting the essential requirements of emergency response in Canada. The Importance of Collaboration A fundamental driver of the NG9-1-1 initiative is to provide complete, current, and seamless coverage of spatial data, policies, and practices - at multiple levels. Most critically, this starts with an understanding of your own boundaries and those of your neighbours. You will need to answer questions like: • Do you have a relationship between the teams responsible for data stewardship and GIS practices? • Are there shared services, and do those agencies have similar practices and cooperative relationships? • Who are the consumers of your data and how do they report concerns to those responsible? Know your Neighbours • If there are discrepancies between neighbouring jurisdictions (e.g., local governments, emergency services agencies, etc.), how are they managed? • Can you collaborate to resolve shared concerns? • Have you spoken to your vendors and service providers about the new NG9-1-1 standards, timelines, and your needs? Do they understand the standards, and do they have a viable plan or roadmap, for adopting NG9-1-1 compliant practices and solutions? • If you're managing data for other levels of government or agencies, how is the data provisioned and aggregated? Who is responsible for the different NG9-1-1 data layers? • Who holds the key relationships and services contracts with the NG9-1-1 network providers (ILECs)? The NG9-1-1 approach, with its standardized NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model and regulatory framework, makes "going it alone" a non-starter. A collaborative approach, with dened inter- agency relationships, roles, and responsibilities, is crucial to the success of your NG9-1-1 program. Ensuring the success of NG9-1-1 relies on the ongoing collaboration of regulatory standards and oversight bodies, NG9-1-1 network providers, contributors & aggregators, and data consumers... 8 9 | Esri Canada Transforming Public Safety | N E X T G E N E R A T I O N 9 - 1 - 1 SOLUTIONS FOR DATA PROVIDERS TRANSFORMING PUBLIC SAFETY 9

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