E-books & White Papers

Transforming Public Safety - Next Generation 9-1-1 Solutions for Data Providers

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1520569

Contents of this Issue


Page 5 of 13

Regulatory Standards and Oversight • CRTC policy, regulatory oversight • NENA standards • ESWG guidance NG9-1-1 Network Providers • Geodetic call routing, data validation Contributors and Aggregators • Local/provincial/federal government,First Nations data provisioning, stewardship • Responsibile agencies, vendors supporting implementations • Provincial, regional and NG9-1-1 network provider data aggregation and dissemination Data Consumers • PSAPs, public safety agencies, rst responders, the public TEAMWORK "The creation and maintenance of GIS data for NG9-1-1 will be a signicant on-going challenge for all stakeholders moving forward. There are a number of disparate local government agencies who are responsible for creating and maintaining authoritative GIS data such as road centrelines, civic addresses and administrative boundaries. These government agencies have varying levels of GIS capabilities, which will present a challenge in the creation and maintenance of complete NG9-1-1 GIS datasets across Canada." - ESWG TIF92 report ESRE0089b Source Working Together 10 11 | Esri Canada Transforming Public Safety | N E X T G E N E R A T I O N 9 - 1 - 1 SOLUTIONS FOR DATA PROVIDERS TRANSFORMING PUBLIC SAFETY 11 Transforming Public Safety |

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