E-books & White Papers

Community Civic Addressing - Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522201

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Glossary of Terms and Acronyms Attribute: A characteristic of a GIS feature Civic Address Record: A contributor's unique ID Civic ID: A civic address record's unique ID Cross-Street Numbering: An addressing format that uses a cross-street number as a prefix to the address number Discrepancy Report: An information item that details inaccuracies in data that is also submitted to the supplier of the data Domain Land Survey (DLS): e system used in Western Canada to divide land into square townships for settlement and development Mapping Editor: A GIS technician that creates or modifies digital maps National Emergency Number Association (NENA): A United States organiza- tion, with Canadian subcommittees, for developing 911 GIS standards Next Generation (NG9-1-1): An initiative to enable IP device location, text messaging, and video coupled with GIS as the primary method to determine emergency service locations on a map Postal Code: A seven-character string (including the space) that helps sort mail Primary Address: e main address associated with a parcel or building Site Address Point: e geographic location of a site, structure or their access point (such as a driveway entrance) Sub-Address: Additional site address points associated with other buildings (or units within a building) which all share the same primary address number Community Civic Addressing Guide to Best Practices v4.0 vi

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