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Table 1 Site Address Point Attributes Appendix A: Attribution We define the attribute requirements for address data according to NENA's NG9-1-1 data model. e primary users of address data include the following professionals: emergency services, disaster response and management, utilities, services delivery, and planning and development. e attributes in Table 1 are not only required for the NENA Data Model but are also required for the Community Map of Canada. e administrative attributes that include the prefix A- (e.g., A1, A2, A3 and A5) area used by 911 authorities. Attributes denoted by '*' indicate a domain value table. In the following tables, we provide notation that highlights important requirements: • Attributes marked with a check mark in the NENA column are require- ments for NG9-1-1 as set by NENA. Attribute Description NENA Additional Code e code differentiating duplicate addresses in the same county Additional Data URI URI for data associated with the address point Additional Location Information A part of a sub address that is not a building, floor, unit, room or seat Address Notes Additional information describing the address Address Number e address number—not zero or a negative number • Example: 24 Address Number Prefix A prefix to the primary address number • Example: A 24 Address Number Suffix A suffix to the primary address number • Example: 24 A Agency e agency managing addresses Alternate Access Alternate entrances to sites inaccessible by road Acquisition Technique* e method for locating the address point Building ID An address's foreign key associated with a building Building Name English A building's English name Building Name French A building's French name Building Name Indigenous A building's Indigenous name Building Name Indigenous Syllabic A building's Indigenous name in syllabic char- acters Civic ID A civic address record's unique ID • Note: is attribute may include a Civic ID for sub addresses or additional locations. Community Civic Addressing Guide to Best Practices v4.0 10