E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

Contents of this Issue


Page 53 of 55

Jurisdiction Road_Jurisdic- tion String 100 Incorporated Municipal- ity Left (A3) IncMuni_L String 100 Incorporated Municipal- ity Right (A3) IncMuni_R String 100 Left Address Number Pre- fix AdNumPre_L String 15 Left First House Number FromAddr_L Integer 6 Left Last House Number ToAddr_L Integer 6 Left Place Name L_Placenam String 255 Left Street Name l_Stname_c String 255 Maintained By MaintBy SmallInteger 2 AssetMan- ager MSAG Community Name Left MSAGComm_L String 30 MSAG Community Name Right MSAGComm_R String 30 Municipality Municipality String 255 Neighbourhood Commu- nity Left (A5) NbrhdCom_L String 100 Neighbourhood Commu- nity Right (A5) NbrhdCom_R String 100 NENA Globally Unique ID NGUID String 254 Number of Lanes Num_Lane SmallInteger 2 Language Indigenous Lang_Indig SmallInteger 2 Language Indigenous Language Other Lang_Other SmallInteger 2 Language Left Address Range Digi- tizing Direction Flag l_adddirfg SmallInteger 2 DigitizingDi- rectionFlag Maximum Height max_height_m Double 6 Maximum Weight max_weight_kg Double 6 Maximum Width max_width_m Double 5 Traffic Direction Traffic_Dir SmallInteger 2 Traffic Direc- tion Owned By Owned_By SmallInteger 2 Asset Responsibil- ity Parity Left Parity_L String 1 Parity Right Parity_R String 1 Postal Code Left PostCode_L String 7 Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 45

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