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Figure 24 Address Range Assignment 1 99 2 98 L:1–99 R:2–98 Left first house number Right first house number Right last house number Left last house number From To Direction of Digitization 3.3 Road Attributes is section includes instructions for mapping editors to store and record attributes for road features. Each road segment represents a cartographic feature with attri- butes to be stored in a feature class within a geospatial database. 3.3.1 Address Range Assignment Address ranges with house numbers on each side (i.e., along its left or right) of a road can be structured as follows: None (i.e., there are no houses), Even, Odd, Mixed or Irregular. Editors should determine an address range and its direction by using actual site addresses. However when this information is unavailable, mapping edi- tors can implement a theoretical range according to a road segment's length and a desired length separating individual address points. For example, editors can cal- culate a potential address range where an address point occurs every 10.0 metres to be assigned to potential houses along the side of a road. Other cases can occur where a townhouse complex has one primary address for its entire site, but unit numbers for individual townhouses exist. In this case, numbers for each unit should be used for the road segment's address range. For each side of a road, a range of numbers is assigned according to its first to last house (i.e., from lowest to highest). For the simple road segment in Figure 24, which represents a road with no median, editors should assign address ranges using the following two guidelines: (i) assign odd address numbers on the left side starting with the first house number until the last house number (e.g., L:1–99); (ii) assign even address numbers on the right side starting with the first house number until the last house number (e.g., R:2–98). Editors should note that the assignment of odd or even numbers to either the right or left side of a road may vary depending on municipality, but the numbering of an address range typically follows the road segment's direction of digitization. However, the numbering changes direction when the centreline is divided by a median. As shown in Figure 25, the direction of digitization follows the address range numbering Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 16