E-books & White Papers

Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v. 4.0

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1522200

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Page 16 of 55

Figure 12 Road with Temporary Parking Lanes Figure 11 Road with Parking Spaces along Sidewalk Shoulder Sidewalk Temporary Parking Temporary Parking Centreline Shoulder Sidewalk Parking Centreline In Figure 11, the space along the sidewalk is reserved only for parked vehicles. To determine this road's centreline, the additional parking space should be excluded when bounding the edges of the road. us in this case, the road segment's centre- line will correspond with the road's centreline (i.e., its dashed or solid yellow line). In cases where parking along these spaces is limited to certain times during the day and where these spaces are used as traffic lanes otherwise, editors should repre- sent the road segment's centreline bound by these additional lanes, and therefore the centreline will also correspond closely with the road's yellow line. is is repre- sented in Figure 12, where the centreline is demarcated by the two-lane traffic flow on either side. Community Road Network Guide to Best Practices v4.0 8

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