E-books & White Papers

Real-Time Emergency Management Operations

Issue link: https://resources.esri.ca/i/1256360

Contents of this Issue


Page 14 of 31

Use Case: Operational Briefings Statewide Visibility for Emergency Management California Governor's Office of Emergency Services Californians are all too familiar with catastrophes. US News and World Report recently rated California as number 1 on its top-10 list of disaster- prone states. The state is susceptible to earthquakes, floods, landslides, significant wildfires, prolonged drought, public health emergencies, cybersecurity attacks, and agricultural and animal disasters. The California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) oversees and coordinates the state's emergency response operations. Its California Preparedness Platform (Cal PreP) includes Esri technology. The platform's Cal Prep Dashboard brings all emergency information together to show the state's current fires, traffic, Doppler radar, weather, and power outage data on one screen. Depending on the hazard type, operations centers across California access the dashboard to better understand incidents they are managing. The dashboard shows incidents in real time and provides local agencies with critical information for making intelligence-based decisions. "You're looking at what's happening now, not what happened 12 hours ago. The dashboard provides that snapshot; it saves time. Instead of someone stopping in the middle of an operation to brief someone, they can just walk in, look at the screen, and see exactly what they want to see." Duane Valenzuela Response Operations, Cal OES 15

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