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ArcGIS Online for the K-12 classroom

ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based content management system that allows students to collaborate in creating, editing and sharing interactive maps.

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Organization: Esri Canada
Industry: Education
Products: ArcGIS Online

ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based content management system that allows students to collaborate in creating, editing and sharing interactive maps. It offers a wealth of ready-to-use resources such as basemaps and templates that integrate maps, text and multimedia to tell a story. These can be supplemented with data and apps that can be immediately used in the classroom with no software installation required.

Students can form groups to create and share content in a secure, online environment. For your convenience, Esri Canada offers a variety of ready-to-use lessons centred around a range of K-12 curriculum themes that guide your students through every step of the discovery process.